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5 Activities to keep your children entertained during school holidays

The school holidays are here! This time off is a chance for children to relax and recharge after a busy term marked by uncertainty and the adjustment to a new normal. The next two weeks present the opportunity for families to spend time together. Often, parents struggle to juggle the kids, the household and work during school holidays and worry about filling long days with their children. However it’s just a matter of organisation and inspiration.

Skool Loop is taking care of the inspiration part and gathered five ideas on how to spend some fun, active family time:

  1. Venture the outdoors: Embrace the health benefits of fresh air, have your children explore nature while going for a walk, doing a treasure hunt, collecting flowers, leaves, etc. for some arts and crafts activities.
  2. Make your own pizza: Time to get cookin’ and spend some fun family time in the kitchen, having a delicious treat waiting on you. Great learning for your children, its always fun to create something as a team, and you all can get creative in terms of pizza toppings.
  3. Arts and crafts: Kids can get lost in the process of creating. Making dream catchers is a fun and easy activity for you to do as a family, and you can use items you found on your nature walk. Your children can design the piece as they desire, and it might help the whole family to head towards a peaceful night.
  4. Charades: This is definitely a game for the whole family. Kids and adults will have a laugh while you try and act out things whilst everyone else is guessing. Again, it fosters your child’s creative thinking and speaking up confidently.
  5. Built an indoor den: Have the kids built a cosy shelter on a rainy day, with blankets, pillows, and fairy lights. Snuggle in with a cup of tea and read your children a book that will take them to another world.

We hope these ideas help your family spend some time together during the holidays and inspires you on how to keep the kids entertained. Here at Skool Loop, we’re continuing to work hard over the holidays to ensure the app is ready and waiting for when school resumes!