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Surviving and thriving in times of COVID-19

Having trouble juggling your kids, the household and work? Running out of ideas on how to entertain the little ones? We’re here to help! Parenting is HARD work, and it’s even more difficult in times of uncertainty and stress. As parents, we are used to having individual daily routines, working, having a break while kids are in school. Kids are used to interacting with other children at school and leaving the home environment for a period throughout the day. But now in times of the COVID-19 crisis, this daily routine is gone, and the current lockdown requires adjustments. We know that this is a tough time for everyone, but some things don’t have to be. With many of our team members being parents, we’ve popped some ideas together that we are finding useful to help with making the most of spending this time together!

  1. Keep calm and carry on: You can’t really do anything about the current situation, so don’t waste energy stressing out, try to accept it and make the best of it.
  2. Create a new daily routine: Structure is important for young children. Set up a timetable that replicates your child’s school week, that includes times to start and end the day, breaks, activities, and times to relax and calm down.
  3. Daily affirmations: You could do this together at breakfast to start the day feeling positive and energised. Read positive affirmations out loud and repeat together with your kids. An example of one you could use is: “I am grateful for the extra time we get to spend as a family and am excited for the memories we will create today.”
  4. Daily outdoor activity: Make sure you leave the house once a day, soak up some sunlight and breathe some fresh air. Go for a walk, a run, work the garden, or play together outside.
  5. Read: You can do this together or individually. It’s a learning process for your kids and it gives everyone the chance to escape to another world!
  6. Set expectations: wake up as usual, as if you were going to leave the house for school and work. Set ground rules regarding expectations around work, school, and playtime.
  7. Bonding: Include a family exercise in your daily routine. Achieve something together. This might be cooking or baking a recipe, reading a book, or planting flowers in the backyard.
  8. Brainstorm: Sit down with your family and make a list of things everyone wants to do achieve this week. That way, you don’t have to think of entertainment for your children all by yourself.
  9. Baking, arts & crafts, boardgames, cleaning, planting, workout – brainstorm as a family.
  10. Eat healthily and get enough sleep: Make sure you eat healthy, drink enough water, and get enough sleep – your bodies and minds will appreciate it.
  11. Communicate & Listen: Talk about the COVID-19 crisis and listen to what each family member has to say, what they think, how they feel.

We hope that these tips help to keep you and your family busy, healthy, and happy! Skool Loop understands the importance of communication during this time as we try our hardest to ensure that communication between parents and teachers is seamless, giving you one less thing to worry about.

We’re all in this together and so let us know how your family are coping with the lockdown, share your tips and advice to help other parents.